This is a clip taken from Satellite City's "Video Tips #2" which was made in the 1980's. Bob and Bill demonstrate how to apply fiberglass to a model airplane wing. This method is far faster than using conventional fiberglass resins, and is not limited to hobby applications. The video may be old, but the method is proven and is still fantastic.
Advantages to fiberglassing with Hot Stuff Original thin CA glue
High Speed
No waiting for slow fiberglass resin means that your fiberglassing job is finished as fast as you can do the procedure. And, since the cloth stays where you put it, there are none of those time consuming repairs that are often necessary when a section of cloth lifts during curing, as when using typical methods.
Foam safe with UFO odorless thin CA glue
With new UFO Thin, you can fiberglass right over bare foam. Other instant glue destroys white foam. For surfaces other than foam, Hot Stuff Original thin CA glue can be used.No fumes with UFO Odorless thin CA glue
With Hot Stuff thin CA glue, the whole job can be done without the long lasting odor of typical polyester resins, although there will still be considerable cyanoacrylate fumes (ventilation is a MUST). However, with UFO Odorless thin CA glue, there are practically no fumes at all!Light Weight
All fibers are completely surrounded and there is no need to fill the weave. Smooth finishes are accomplished by applying easy to sand and lightweight automotive paint primer. The extra resin (of any type) that it takes to fill the weave adds nothing significant to the overall strength but adds a lot of unnecessary weight and is miserable to sand. Do not put polyester resin over Hot Stuff thin or UFO Odorless thin CA glue. It is unnecessary, and often the polyester resin will never cure.No More Itching
Because all the fibers are completely surrounded with Hot Stuff thin or UFO Odorless thin CA glue, cutting, drilling, or sanding doesn't cause fraying and sanding does't create all of those little fiberglass needles.Special Notes
UFO Odorless thin CA glue MUST be used for white foam, as other CA glue will attack it.
Use only fiberglass or Kevlar™ when applying over foam.
Use no polyester resin to fill the weave
Use NCF Quick accelerator for CA glue to speed curing.
If you are fiberglassing over white foam, use Spray'N'Cure foam-safe accelerator as other accelerators will attack white foam. Spray'N'Cure accelerator wlll not attack expanded foam products.
Fiberglassing with Hot Stuff Original thin CA glue
Prepare the surface for fiberglassing
Spray a very light coat of 3M 77™ spray contact cement over the entire area to be glassed. "Very light" means just that! The contact spray should cover the surface with little pinhead sized dots, not a coating. So spray from 18 inches to 2 feet away and don't linger on any one spot. The 3M 77™ will stay tacky for hours, so there is no rush.
Placing the cloth
Pre-cut your fiberglass to the approximate shape needed, allowing a little to hang over the edges. Lift the cloth into position and lay it on the surface. It doesn't matter if it isn't perfectly aligned. Starting from a side having more access than is needed, lift the cloth and replace it in the desired position. The cloth can be lifted again for realignment if necessary. When placement is satisfactory, pass a flat hand over the whole surface to adhere the fiberglass to the surface below and to smooth it out completely. The cloth will now stay put over unusual contours and even when inverted.
Applying Hot Stuff Original or UFO Odorless thin CA glue
Both products have a very thin consistency. Tip the working surface and start at the top. As one area of cloth is saturated, the instant glue moves on to another area, so a small amount of CA glue goes a long way and weight is held to a minimum. The object being glassed should be held or propped so that the area where glue is being applied allows the glue to run downhill without puddling. Apply the CA glue in horizontal passes following the glue from the previous pass down towards the lowest portion of the object. As you apply the instant glue you'll see the saturated areas instantly become more transparent. When finished, check to see that all of the fiberglass has the transparent appearance. Apply CA glue to any missed areas. Spray a light spritz of Satellite City's NCF Quick or (if working with foam) Spray'N'Cure accelerator over the entire surface. For best results, spray from 2-3 feet above and with the bottle to the side of work. Accelerator applied too closely can cause the CA glue to turn white instead of curing with a clear appearance.The purpose is to mist on a very small amount of accelerator while avoiding dripping onto the work. Too much accelerator may cause a bumpy surface as the glue cures too quickly. While these bumps are easily sanded off, it's best to avoid them. After accelerator has been applied, wait 30 seconds to a minute, then lightly touch the surface. If cured, lightly pass your hand along the entire surface. Re-spray any tacky areas. You will notice that the cured fiberglass may feel very flexible, especially in areas where rigid support is not present directly below. (Fiberglass done with UFO Odorless thin CA glue over bare foam is a good example as the cured cloth can be dented if poked.) Full cure takes 24 hours and at that point the cloth will be completely set. This does not mean you have to wait to handle and work on the piece, just handle it carefully to avoid dents while preparing the surface for painting. Keep in mind that this is a thin lightweight system.