In the 1980's, Satellite City created two videos to show model builders sophisticated and highly effective methods in which Hot Stuff and Super T CA glue was used for model airplane building. These videos were released on VHS tapes and were loaned and sold to customers and dealers around the world. It is no overstatement to say that Satellite City instant glues and the methods developed by Bob and Bill Hunter and shown in these videos revolutionized model-building.
Satellite City Building Tips 1 & 2 are obviously quite old, but they are still full of useful tips and tricks. When you look at the variety of CA glue available at your local hobby shop, remember these videos- Satellite City introduced cyanoacrylate and the methods to use it to hobbyists decades ago, and we still offer the highest quality instant glues.
Satellite City Instant Glues - The ORIGINAL Building Tips #1